Thursday, October 25, 2007

Soggy Days

It's raining.


We are in severe drought conditions, so we really do need the rain, but it's been three days now and I am starting to long for the sun. The wet weather doesn't make my ankles and hands feel too good either.

Today, I was at work, in the freezer putting stock up when suddenly the power went out and I was in pitch black. My co-worker found a flashlight and came searching for me, I saw a beam of light and I followed it out of that black hole.

The power was out in the whole store for over an hour, customers were asked to leave, the open coolers were covered with tarps, all the computers and registers were down. So I found things to do that didn't need power, it's fun wrapping bread in the dark. LOL

It made for some excitement anyway in an otherwise same ol', same ol' day at work. It's always fun watching Managers scurrying around in panic mode.

Tonight I came home and Boo was actually in bed ready to go to sleep so I didn't have to fight her for the computer. I peeked in the dishwasher, and saw she didn't put the dishes away like I asked her too, for a moment I was mad, then I thought, Oh well, they can stay for another day, it won't hurt them, but she will get talked to tomorrow about it. On the way to school, when I have her trapped in the car. LOL

So I actually got on the computer and did some tweaking to my blog, changed the comment settings so now anyone can comment, and a couple other little things.

Checked my email, answered one, left all the forwards to deal with another day. I will probably end up deleting most of them, I'm not big on forwarding a kazillion emails to everyone in my address book.

I got to talk to my Dad yesterday, in a way I couldn't wait to get off the phone, he cusses like a sailor, and even though I love him, I have a hard time with hearing that. It's bad enough I have to fuss at DT on occasion about his mouth. Dad is doing pretty good though. I talked to Grandma too the other day and she still sounds like her usual robust self, to be 86 years old and as healthy as she is, is awesome.

DT's dad was in the hospital last week. He went to the doctor on Wednesday, with ankles that were swollen like melons. The doctor didn't say anything about the swelling, just checked him and sent him home. When he got home, his oxygen machine wasn't working so he couldn't breathe at all. Mom called the ambulance and they took him to the hospital. He was suffering from congestive heart failure, so they sent him to another hospital after getting him stabilized. The doctors at the hospital couldn't believe his doctor sent him home like that. He came home Friday much better, and lost 8 pounds of water in just a couple of days. Needless to say, they are looking for a new doctor. Can't blame them there, I could have told them he was a crappy doctor, I used to go to him and he never did much for me when I had problems.

Thankfully, he is much better now. Ya know, it makes you wonder, if his machine hadn't broke when it did, he might have died. He must have an angel watching over him.

DT of course was upset, and asked me what he would do if something terrible happened to his dad, and I just said, 'Go home, of course, God will provide.'

Well, I guess I better get off of here and go on to bed, my feet are cold and I am longing for the heating pad.