I've been trying hard to view people through God's eyes, not always an easy endeavor, and I fail more than I would like to admit. It's easy to look down on people because they are different, or because they have no 'eye appeal', or they seem weird, or dirty, or just different than main stream humanity.
It's hard to love the unlovely.
But I am trying and that's all I can do.
Today in church the sermon was on telling people about Jesus, they have really been stressing the point of inviting people to church, mostly because next Sunday is high attendance Sunday.
Ok, this is not something I am very comfortable with. One reason is because I've had people try and shove their religious beliefs down my throat and I don't want to appear that way to others. I prefer 'showing' people by my actions and words what it means to be a Christian, which is something else I am working on. Which does work, on occasion, like with my friend Crystal.
What does this have to do with loving the unlovelies of the world?
Well, there is this man at work, and ok, ok, I even think he is weird.
I had to go into work for 1 today, I have my hours scheduled like that so I can go to church on Sunday mornings.
I ran into Mr. K, the weird guy at the time clock. Ok, I think he is weird, but I do endeavor to be nice to him.
So we end up having this conversation.
Mr. K, "You just comin back from lunch?"
Me, "No, I'm just coming in."
Mr. K, with funny look on his face, "Isn't it late for you to be coming in?"
Me, "On Sundays I don't come in till one so I can go to church in the morning."
Mr. K, "Oh, you like going to church?"
Me, "Yes, and it's the one thing I won't compromise on."
By this time we are both punched in and he is walking with me through the store.
Mr. K, "What church do you go to?"
Me, "Calvary Baptist right over here in Toast."
Mr. K, "You go to Sunday School too before church?"
Me, "Actually, I go to the early service at 8:30 then Sunday School afterwards."
Mr. K, "And you really like it?"
Me, "Yes, I do, I love going to church."
Mr. K, "I really should start going to church."
Me, "You are always welcome to join us!" Where did that come from, did I say that?
Mr. K nods, and says, "I guess you read the Bible all the time too."
Me, "Yes, I am a Bible believing, born again Christian."
Mr. K, "Hmm, that's good, that's good."
At that we parted ways and went off to work in our separate departments.
Now, I am definitely not the type to push my religious beliefs on someone, if I do talk to someone it's because the conversation just turned that way for some reason, if they don't want to hear it, that's fine, I can do nothing to change a person's mind, that is up to God.
I do believe that God places us in certain places with certain people at different times for His purpose to be fulfilled.
And I have seen evidence of this in my own life.
Nineteen months ago I moved here from Pennsylvania. I didn't find a job for almost three months, then I landed a job at the sock warehouse, where I met my friend Crystal.
Crystal has been through a lot in the last year, her brother died of a drug overdose at the age of 31, she was fired from a job she loved, she has had some health issues of her own, she ended a long term relationship with her boyfriend, but she is now a faithful member of the same church I belong too.
Now, I know God didn't 'need' me to get her back into church, but He did use me to get her there. I am humbled and awed by the fact that He could have used anyone to fulfill His will, but He used me.
I don't want people to go to church because they feel that they 'have' too, I don't want people to go to church because they want a social life and they feel that is where they will get it, I don't want people to go to church because it's the thing to do, or a status thing, or even out of habit.
I want people to go to church because they can learn about the love of Jesus for all mankind.
I've been to all kinds of churches in my life, Roman Catholic, Lutheran, UMC, Baptist, and so on. I've been a member of several different churches, one I was soured on because of the whole money issue, one I was soured on because of the political games, one was too legalistic and judgemental, and yes it's a shame that this happens, but I have come to realize that we are all terrible sinners and when you put a bunch of us together you can end up with greed, power plays and even hypocrites.
Jesus didn't come to judge, He came to save the sinners, like you and I. He sat and ate with sinners, real people like you and I. He chose those people over the supposedly righteous folks to eat with.
He chose people like fishermen and tax collectors to be His disciples, He didn't choose scholars and priests nor the rich and powerful.
He chose us.
He chose me.
I don't have anything to give to Him but myself. Any gifts or talents I have are because He gave them to me. I am not well known or famous, I am not rich by any means, I came from a poor background, I make many, many mistakes in my life, I get depressed, discouraged and even lonely. I am so imperfect in so many ways, yet He loved me so much that He died for me.
This is the message of the Gospel, it's not about how much money a church can collect, or how powerful someone can be, it's not even about being able to quote scripture, it's simply and yet powerfully all about Jesus and what He did for all of us on the cross, freeing us from the punishment of death that we deserve by taking it all upon Himself.
Jesus truly loves the unlovely, even one such as me.