Yesterday, Animal Control set box cages up in my basement since the cats have free access.
They are all trapped, it's awful.
This morning, I heard one of them crying through the kitchen floor.
I am crying with them, and I can't bear to go down there. I wish Animal Control would just come and get them, this is torture.
Not that I want to lose them, but this waiting is killing me.
When I got up this morning, I fed the dog, and had to remind myself that I didn't need to feed the cats. When I let the dog out for her morning ritual, it was hard not seeing the cats on the back porch waiting to be fed.
As for the rabies shots, they have changed things, no longer are they administered in the stomach. I received one in my arm, one in my behind, and the last one and most painful, was one needle which was repeatedly shot in around the wound area. The other four will be administered over the next 28 days, on the 9th, the 15th, the 20th, and January 3rd. They also put me on antibiotics for any secondary infections that may arise. Fortunately, I had my tetanus shot in 2005, so that is still good and I didn't have to have that additional pain.
It was so bad, I told the nurse that I would rather give birth.
But the needle pain fades, the heart pain is another matter.
On top of the loss of my grandchild, this is hard to bear.
I know with God's help, I will get through this.
DT held me last night as I sobbed, he is just as upset, he really loves Knock Knock (Enoch).
I am so thankful that my dogs are safe, I don't think I could have handled the loss of them as well.