Yep, I've been messing around with my template, so bear with me, cuz it may change again. Who knows?
I came across that pic and really liked it, I tried it with my title, and didn't like it, so for now, sans title and description.
I had a terrible couple days at work, stress levels are high, customers are zeroing in on bargains and it has become a shopping frenzy.
I was supposed to be off today, but we are short staffed and the manager took advantage of my good nature, and I was going in for 5:30 am. Yuck. I was supposed to leave at 2:30, yeah right. I was stuck there till 3:30. I told one of my co-workers, I am stuck in Wally World and I can't get out!!!
My boss then asked me if I could work tomorrow.
Ok, I am NOT that much of a door mat, and I actually, for the first time since I have been there told her no, NO, NO!!!
Tomorrow will be my one day off till Christmas Eve, I have a terrible cold, I am terribly tired, and really need a day to relax, a day to spend with God, and refresh my weary body and soul.
Last night at work was terrible and I ended up crying to one of the big managers no less, sobbing in frustration.
It was horrible and embarrassing, and I went in today with trepidation and of course, EVERYONE KNOWS.
I am hoping the rumor mill moves on quickly to the next person. Not that I wish gossip and harm on anyone, I don't, I just don't want all that attention on me.
It's been a very long couple of weeks, there has been heartache and stress, and tomorrow, I am going to just take time to pray.
That is what I really need.