Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Perspective and Prayers

Today, ok, I admit it, the last few days, I have been weepy and sad. I cried yesterday, the day before and a couple times today.

I can't put my finger on the why, oh I have several different things, for one, Christmas, so close, a holiday I used to get so excited about, it didn't just mean the celebration of Christ's birth, of course the most important aspect of it, but it also meant, family, my family, gathered together.

It didn't matter about the gifts we gave or received, or how much food we ate, although we did do those things, but what mattered was being together. We had some pretty lean Christmases over the years, somehow we would get through, together.

It's so different now, I find myself missing the days when my kids were little, I miss those Christmas Eve nights when I would read Luke 2 to them before they went to sleep. I miss having them jump on my bed Christmas morning in all their young exuberance and excitement.

They are all so far away, and I can't even see my grandchildren.

So I guess I am feeling sorry for myself. I am really tired, have been sick, the loss of the cats still weighs on me as does my DIL's miscarriage, we are really struggling financially, and I spend more time alone without my husband than I should.

And then I heard heartbreaking news, and I wonder why I have been feeling so sorry for myself, when things like this happen. It has a tendency to put things in perspective.

There is a young lady who really needs prayers, her name is Kayla, she has been fighting cancer for some time now, please visit and leave a comment and say a prayer or two or three for her. She beat this before, she can do it again.

I have so much to be thankful for, and this young lady has so much to live for, all her hopes, her dreams, and the love she shares with others.

God can and does give miracles, let's pray that He gives Kayla one.

Tonight, I am shedding tears, but not for myself, my tears are for Kayla.