Oh it started out a little rough, I got up early not really wanting to, made my coffee and sat for a bit to wake up.
I took my shower, and I really need to start getting my clothes ready for church the night before.
I took out my beautiful green sweater dress, a thrift shop find, and ironed it, only to discover that the hem has fallen out.
I thought I would just tack it up quick, but of course a sewing needle was not to be found, not in my sewing machine, or even the pin cushion or even in my cross stitch stuff. Now I know I have needles, but where they may be is another story.
So I ironed my black velvet that DT bought me quite a few years back.
After doing my hair and makeup, I was running a little late, but I made it to church in time.
They made an announcement that they were still looking for singers for the choir.
Singers or would be singers were to see the music minister for a CD and book after services.
I said to Crystal, 'So you gonna drag me up there to sign up?'
'Nope, although I would like to, it's up to you, but you should just take the plunge and go for it.'
'This is a scary plunge.'
'Yep, but if you fall, Jesus will catch you.'
She is right, of course.
So I took the plunge and signed up, got my book and CD and told him I would try to make it Wednesday, I have to see if they will let me leave early from work.
I then came home, made dinner, so that DT could eat before he went off to work.
I cleaned up and laid down for a bit, setting the clock so I could go back to the church this evening for the new members tour. They were also looking for volunteers to help with the gifts for the shut ins.
Crystal called me at about 3:30. I was in a dead sleep.
'Are you going to church to help with the project before the tour?'
I blearily looked at the clock. I would never make it I thought since that was at 4.
I told her no, I wasn't gonna make it.
But then I thought, oh why not, I may be a little late, but at least I will be there.
I felt yucky from my nap so I dashed in the shower for a quick rinse, dressed and went out the door.
It took me way longer to get to church than I expected. The city was having their annual Christmas parade, and all the roads that I needed were blocked, I ended up turning around three times, had to come back by my house to get on the back road, and end up going way way out of my way.
But I did get there by 4:30.
I helped for a bit, then the Pastor gathered all us new members and we took the grand tour.
At the very end of the tour, I asked about the library/media room.
The Pastor started telling us about it, then mentioned that they need people to work in the library, cataloguing and sorting.
I didn't hesitate a moment, I jumped right in and volunteered.
I have been stumbling around in the church looking for where I fit in, and now I suddenly have two things.
The singing thing has been thrown in my face over and over, the shy part of me just didn't want to accept it.
And suddenly another opportunity comes out just when I least expect it.
Music and books, my two most favorite things.
My sister told me the last time I talked to her not to worry that God would lead me to where I belong, and that doors would suddenly open. I see that she was right, and it's awesome!
I prayed about it and just let it rest in God's hands, trusting Him to lead me where He wants me.
Now if I could just find it as easy to let go and trust Him in ALL aspects of my life.
But I guess as long as I am taking steps forward in my walk, even if they are baby steps, it's progress.
And I feel good, really really good, I am excited and uplifted and praising God!
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Today was a GOOD day!
2 Samuel 22:47
"The LORD lives! Praise be to my Rock!
Exalted be God, the Rock, my Savior!"
Scribbled by
6:44 PM
Labels: Christian living, Church, church life, Faith walk, God, music, service