Friday, November 16, 2007

Just some random thoughts.

Today I prayed, "Lord, help me to be thankful for my job!"

Ugh, bad day, enough said.

I wonder how it could be 70 degrees two days ago, and now it's in the 30's.

The cats left me a nice really gross present the other morning, a dead squirrel. But not just any dead squirrel, this one was nicely stretched out to about three feet long and nearly bisected in the middle.

The two kittens I still have were playing tug of war with it.


Why do my animals persist in the grossest activities?

I have to work on Thanksgiving day, how nice that I don't get to spend the day with my family.

By the way, who shops on Thanksgiving Day?

I want to say thanks to all those who do for ruining the day for so many others who have to work.

I must have been insane to get back into retail.

Who even has money to shop?

Yesterday, I was a traitor and shopped at another grocery store. I got a deal on a turkey though, if you spent $25.00 or more, the turkeys were only .32 cents a pound. I got a 12 pound turkey for under $4.00.

Can't beat that.

The stupid ccccccccccccccc on my keyboard keeps sticccccccccccccccccccccccccking. It's getting really aggravating.

I need a new keyboard, I have had this one several years, but it will have to wait until I have some extra cccccccccash.


Is there such thing as extra cash?

Is there such a thing as enough cash?

HAHAHA, yeah right.

For the last month, DT has been bringing up the subject of me taking classes at the college.

I finally told him yesterday, I don't want to.

I just don't.

He didn't believe me.


He wanted me to take management classes.

HAHAHA, yeah right.

I told him I don't need a college degree for that, I already proved that, and after being a manager for all those years, why would I want to get back into it?


It's bad enough being a peon in retail.

I'm really tired, my back hurts, my ankles hurt, my hands and knuckles.

I am getting too old to work this hard.

Some nights I hurt so bad, it's hard to get a good sleep in.

I envision myself eventually being crippled up with this arthritis.

Scary thought.

I guess being active is a good thing though.

My dog's hair is finally growing back after her flea infestation this summer. It was a long drawn out battle, but the buggers are finally gone.

Next year I am treating my whole yard.

The neighbor treated his yard, and his dog didn't have a flea all year, that's because they all came to live in my yard and on my dogs and cats.

It makes me really glad I don't have carpets.

Although, I would really like carpets, maybe someday if I am ever pet free.

I am down to one chair for my kitchen set.

I bought those cheap plastic stackable chairs this summer.

How pathetic is that?

Hey, at least they are chairs.

Besides, replacing chairs is the least of my worries.

I am not really looking forward to the holidays.

That's sad, ain't it?

It's not the fact that I really don't have the money for Christmas, it's being so far away from the rest of my family.

I will try and make it nice at least for Boo though.

I talked to Pookie last night and she said it snowed all day yesterday up there.

I don't miss snow.

Not at all.

Well, I think I am done rambling for now.

Have a good night all.
