Yesterday, I cleaned and cleaned, and it didn't feel like I accomplished anything. I look around and see so much that has to be done yet.
I was SUPPOSED to get the whole house done.
Yeah right!
Around 1:00, I decided to make something to eat. I turned on the stove, and...
BAM...all the lights went out.
Puzzled, I went into the basement and checked the breaker.
It wasn't kicked.
I came back inside and called the power company, getting an automated voice system. Don't ya just love those? Nothing like not being able to talk to a human.
I went across the street and asked the neighbors if they had lights.
Nope, well, at least it wasn't just my house.
And hour and a half later they were back on.
I realized something during that time period.
I take things like electricity for granted.
When it's gone, it's like something HUGE is missing, and while I had it I didn't realize how important it was for existence.
I couldn't use the microwave, or the stove. I was afraid to open the fridge. I had no computer, no lights, no tv.
Not even a clock.
We have become so dependent on something that we can't even see.
Oh, we know it's there, running through the power lines, turning our lights on, heating our water, and keeping our food cold.
But we can't really see it.
Hmmm, and a thought just occurred to me.
God is like that, we can't see Him, but we can see the evidence of His existence all around us.
He has given us the sun to give us light and warmth, He gives us food and water to sustain us, He even gave us the very breath of life.
Every day, God assures me of His existence, in all the blessings that He gives.
We depend on an unseeing power running through our homes, yet we have difficulty at times depending on an unseen God.
Sometimes, we take Him for granted, just like we do other things, knowing He's there, but getting too busy to worship, too rushed to pray, too distracted to serve Him.
Maybe we need to slow down and turn to the Light, because He is the only One who can truly chase away the darkness.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Housecleaning Blues
Scribbled by
8:31 PM
Labels: God, Housecleaning