Please pray for my son, JP and his wife, Jenn.
Jenn lost the baby.
They are devastated.
And I am heartbroken for them.
I know that we can't always see God's purposes, but He is faithful, and all things work for the good of those who love Him.
Even the harsh things, even the sad things, even this.
To my unborn grandchild,
I love you Baby, even though I will never hold you, I will never play with you, or count your fingers and toes.
But I know that you are in God's arms and that you are loved more than I can I say with mere words.
Your parents miss you, they cry over the loss of you, as do I, but you have a Heavenly Father who can and will love you forever.
Someday, when I get where you are, I will be able to love you and hug you like I long to do. But in the meantime, you have a great grandmom, and a great great grandmom there who will step in, until I get there.
You also have a cousin there baby, who you can play with, so I know with such a wonderful family, that you are safe.
And I know you are in a place of complete Joy.
You will never face hardship and heartache, you will never suffer loss as we do, and for that, I am thankful.
I love you, Baby.