I just love when friends get a kick out of embarrassing you, don't you?
It all started some months ago, I was in church singing my little heart out. Directly after service, two different men that were sitting in front of us turned and asked who was singing so beautifully.
My oh so wonderful friend Crystal points at me.
Over the months, several others have complimented me.
I don't get it.
I never thought of myself as a particularly good singer, although I do like to sing.
Last Sunday, Crystal's mama went to church with us.
In Sunday School, she said and quite loudly I may add, that I should join the choir.
Ok, now wait a minute, this is going way too far.
My face burned as EVERYONE turned to look at me.
Then this week, three more people, all complete strangers, told me the same thing.
Then my oh so wonderful FRIEND, who I do love (sometimes), drags me up to the woman in charge of the choir and tells her, SHE NEEDS TO BE IN THE CHOIR!!!
No, I don't.
I am quite content to do my thing in the congregation.
I am feeling pushed and pulled into a direction I am not sure I want to go in.
In new members class, we talked about service.
I've been attending there for a year now, and have been a member since June. I am looking for where I fit in.
Surely, it's not the choir.
Please, Lord, not that.
I can't get up in front of all those people and SING.
Not me. No way.
Crystal said to me, maybe I am just fighting against it too hard.
And what is the worst that could happen.
Uh, how about making a complete and utter fool of myself.
Choking, not being able to sing.
Turning beat red in front of everyone.
My voice cracking.
Tripping on the way up there and falling flat on my face.
See, ANYTHING could happen.
After all, I am NOT very graceful, I can't walk without my feet sticking to the floor, so I am sure to really embarrass myself.
Is this what You want of me, Lord?
Ya know, this would be a huge step of faith for me.
Ok, I admit it, this scares me to death.
"For God did not give you a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of self-control."
Point taken.
I'll think about it, K?