I am praying for an unknown person or persons in the church. I don't know who it is, and neither does anyone else for that matter, except God and the person who did it.
Apparently, (from what I have been told), some people in the church find change hard to accept. And have tried to have the pastor removed, of course under the guise of anonymity.
A letter went out to all the members, an anonymous letter. "Please prayerfully consider that Pastor ***** will moved to another area of ministry, so that we can be united."
Of course, this caused an uproar, and is definitely not the majorities opinion.
As I stated in my last post, a woman in class stated how satan will get shook up right before an awakening in the church and will cause something to happen to oppose it.
It blew up in satan's face.
I have been attending there for a year, in the last several months, especially in the last weeks, the sanctuary has been packed full during the contemporary service (one thing some people don't approve of).
This past Sunday was no exception, it seemed there were even more that the week before.
At the end of the service, the pastor made an alter call for prayer, deacons went forward and knelt, many, many others followed.
A few minutes later, people rose and began going back to their seats, but then suddenly, one person went and stood next to the pastor, then another, and another...until everyone there, stood and joined him, encircling the sanctuary, and joining hands in a moment of solidarity and unity.
The Minister of Music began singing, "We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord, we are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord. And we pray that our unity will one day be restored, and they will see we are Christians by our love, by our love, they will see we are Christians by our love!"
And one by one, the people started singing along, until the whole sanctuary swelled with our voices filled with unity and love.
I looked at the pastor, now with his wife and daughter by his side. He was choked with emotion, he was touched so deeply that so many would stand by his side.
Two days later, I am still so deeply touched when I think of that moment, of the outpouring of love that filled the sanctuary.
We talked with the pastor and several others afterwards, we are not angry with the person. But this person obviously needs prayer. And they definitely need love.
And maybe this is God's way of removing the chaff.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Changes Part 3
Scribbled by
6:21 AM
Labels: Christian living, Church, Faith walk, Love