I am off work, woo woo!!
And tomorrow I am off!!!
Even better!!
Having a Friday and Saturday off is a rare and wonderful thing, having two such days off in a row is even better.
DT went off hunting with his buddy, Boo will be staying at a friend's house this weekend, and I am at loose ends, and I have the next two days off!!!
I can do anything I want.
I can dance around the house nekkid if I so desire, I won't, but I CAN if I want too.
I can take a walk with my camera, or even just the dog.
I can go to the library and take my time instead of rushing.
I can rent a movie that I have been wanting to see.
Or read a book or two.
Take a nap.
Pamper myself.
I can also clean my house, do laundry and sundry other things that need to be done.
So I am trying to decide.
Clean the house today, be lazy tomorrow.
Be lazy today and clean the house tomorrow.
I'm kinda veering to the lazy side.
It won't really take me a long time to clean, two hours, maybe three if I do a deep cleaning which I want to do.
I thought maybe I would clean the living room (dusting and mopping), the kitchen, and the guest bath and mudroom today, then the bedrooms and the master bath tomorrow, and do laundry today.
Maybe I will just be lazy today and clean tomorrow.
Sounds like a plan to me.
On to other things, (don't read this part if you have a weak tummy).
My dog gave me a nice Halloween present.
On the way home from work, I was starving so I stopped at Wendy's and got myself two jr. bacon cheeseburgers, and took them home and proceeded to scarf them down without breathing.
Replete, I sat back and then suddenly I heard the dog make this funny choking noise in the mud room. Getting up, I was like what is that dog doing?
I walked in on her retching and gagging green slime on my hard work floors.
I went into the kitchen, feeling a little green myself, only to discover I was out of paper towels.
Toilet paper, no that wouldn't do, I didn't want to 'feel' the green slime oozing through the paper as was apt to do if I attempted a clean up with TP.
I glanced down at the green mess, BIG MISTAKE!!
Gagging and retching, telling myself, DON'T, DON'T, DON'T PUKE!!!
I went in the closet and grabbed the bucket and mop, and the pine sol. That should do the trick, I could clean it up and get rid of the smell.
The whole time, the dog sat there, looking up at me with those sorry brown eyes.
After gathering my cleaning stuff, filling the bucket with hot water and a liberal dumping of pine sol, I attempted to clean up the mess.
Covering my mouth, I had to walk away until I regained my composure.
Taking a deep breath, I went back for my second attempt.
Well, it ain't gonna clean itself, YOU HAVE TO DO THIS!!
I finally did get the job done, but it took my stomach quite a while to settle after that adventure.
Personally, I would have preferred candy to that mess on Halloween.
Now that I think about it, I almost think the dog did it on purpose because I wouldn't share my burgers with her.