Monday, December 31, 2007


Wow, where did 2007 go?

Is it just me or does time seem to go faster as we get older?

Well, here we are facing another year of whatever is to come.

This is the day that many will make New Year's Resolutions. I stopped making resolutions long ago, because I never ever stick to them.

But this year, I will.

I resolve to be a better person tomorrow than I am today.

I resolve to try and not get upset over the small things that bother me.

I resolve to help my husband with our budget and stick to it so we can get out of debt.

I resolve to be thankful each day for the things I do have, and not fret over the things I don't have.

I resolve to smile more, laugh more and sing more.

I resolve to learn one new thing this year, even if it is a challenge.

I resolve to be kinder to others, to give of myself when and where I can.

I resolve to try not to whine and complain.

I resolve to try and have a good day each and every day.

And I will remember each day that God is with me, loving me, caring for me, holding me, carrying me and leading me.

And my prayer for each of you who reads this is that all of you are blessed many times over throughout 2008.

See ya next year!!!